Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The Traveler

He walk for miles
He ran for miles
Picking apart any trap that was thrown in his path
For the traveler never thought about another direction
He accepted the challenges
Because he knew that, it would bring out the best in him
For don't take the steady path, but be a traveler
To achieve your success
©Adrian Ware

Remember yourself worth

Don't be perfect, Be great

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The feeling of love

The heat that never seems to go away
The feeling that you are just the attraction of the sun's rays
The feeling of love often brings heat
Which means
You are my everything
I would freeze to death if you weren't next to me
Picture life being stuck at negative three
But since I wouldn't know the feeling
I enjoy the sunny breeze
©Adrian Ware 

The feeling of the kneel

Words that are met with confrontation
Why does the heart refuses rejection
One knee place upon the ground
The crowd gathers around
As my heart pounds
Waiting for you to make a sound
Though the gasp is breath taking
Why does one feel as if
The kneel is his biggest mistake
©Adrian Ware

Love often fades

Love for the children
Love for nature
Love for our soul and our father
Why bother
For we are all followers
We are taught to love
So we pass it on
But the message seems to disappear as we age
©Adrian Ware

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Love lost

Fear nothing but the impossible

Fear nothing but the impossible

We were not meant to hide 
We were only meant to be warriors 
We are gladiators 
We are modern day destroyers 
We should only fear the impossible 
But remember that all things are possible 
We can only handle our own burdens 
The only thing that is certain is that
Behind every curtain there is a new battle
©Adrian Ware 


Can you hear the sounds
The echo's that never seem to fade away
The sound of not wanting to be awake
The shell of your former self
Implying that you need help
But yet you feel so drained
With a slight brush everyday
Stressing the repeated lie
Trying to convince yourself that
You are okay
Knowing that you couldn't lie to yourself even if you wanted to
Understand that it doesn't get easier over time
For every extra day that you carry this overbearing weight
You are just inching further and further to a path of destruction
©Adrian Ware

A deeper form of love

Are your eyes open
Cause I was hoping that we could dream forever 
Not of stars but of each other 
And bring our focus to another level
To something that is way greater than our looks 
Because to me you are like book 
So I want to memorize every part of ya 
From the smile that you hold 
To the imperfect place that is your soul
©Adrian Ware 

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Crashing and burning

You can always crash but your never a post to burn
Because if you just crash then you escape with cuts and bruises
The whole purpose is for you to make it through this
Take your scratches and consider it a lesson learned
Whatever you do
Do not burn
Become a tank in disguise
Cause they crash all the time
But their momentum never dies
This is what your spirit should look like
Don't let your life crashes turn your spirit into ashes
For if you crash get back up and go back at it
©Adrian Ware

Monday, November 20, 2017


But peace is something that doesn't seem to last 
The age of time only glorifies the past 
We should be light years ahead of it 
The only thing that still remains is 
When are we going to settle it 
The lighting rod is made of steel 
So when bolts strike  
It can kill 
We are tired of being struck 
We want to blend and be mixed in 
Let every race be invisible 
All death's and I mean all death's 
Should really be accidental 
©Adrian Ware

Color change

But you are as red as a tomato 
The brown leaf is beyond thirsty 
Only one seems to be healthy 
How could we deem this as complete
One is nearly to close to defeated 
The brown leaf pleaded 
Please help me 
The water doesn't seem to water my side 
Shade is often pushing away the sunlight 
I have been living a darker life 
The tomato gave up it's own life 
Dangling until it's stem gave way 
Though the leaf died later that same day 
Respect for the tomato never faded away
©Adrian Ware

Unlaced shoes

Shoes that are unlaced 
Won't leave a trace 
For they are to lose to leave a print 
Oh how I wish you would have remembered this 
When it was my life that you stepped in
For my heart still has the print, the scar 
You are the rusty chain that hangs and swings 
Leaving behind a painful bang 
But if you had wore lose shoes 
I doubt that my heart would still remember you
©Adrian Ware

The battle for millions

The story starts at age five 
Born just outside of suburbia 
The battle for millions is taught inside a classroom 
Where the children are much too young to understand 
That the battle for millions is just a figment 
The thought of green is planted like a seed 
You would have greater luck trying to catch a pigeon 
The constant pushing and shoving 
The lack of hugging 
The one's that make it from the average home
The list  is way less than a dozen 
The battle for millions is meant to destroy morals 
We all powerful 
But the need for green is a constant echo 
Making one abandon their own path 
Which keeps intact good morals 
©Adrian Ware

Sunday, November 19, 2017

We apologize

I apologize on behalf of my gender 
For they know not what they do 
Some of them don't have a clue that they are hurting you 
 They are just individuals who never developed a real mans mind 
So they use slander as a defense 
In a attempt to try and hide their true feelings 
But part of it comes from the environment they lived in 
And I'm not trying to make excuses 
The line has been drew 
Good men have been separated from bad men 
And it's up to you to choose
©Adrian Ware

Computer: A throw back poem

My body works like a computer
If I feels that you are something like a virus 
I will push you away 
Because my heart is like a hard drive 
It won't let you do any harm to me 
And I compare myself to a computer 
Because a computer is smart 
And their hard drive is similar to a heart 
I tend to push people away 
Which is why there aren't that many people close to me 
It's something that came naturally 
So if  I push you away 
Don't take it personally 
I'm just being like a computer 
I'm trying to protect me
©Adrian Ware

You bring me peace

Departing Words

Maintaining life

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Embrace your beauty

And the youth is always watching

Eternal Peace

Your absences is painful

Who are you?

Words mean nothing if your action show different 
Remember that you are a reflection of your words 
So don't say anything that doesn't reflect your true colors 
For misleading others in the wrong direction is the equivalent of
                                                    Misinterpreting a wise person's words 

Monday, October 30, 2017

Possible Cover for" Words of No Redemption." Tell me what you guys think about

                  As of right now i'm debating weather or not to use the back cover design,
                  the front cover is definitely a keeper. I so love the red and black.
                  Though the drawing/ painting is of my own art work, i'm still not sure of which
                  one to use for it, but I may just customize it to where, you could have like two
                  or maybe three options to choose from when you order it.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

The father will lift when it becomes to dark. Title: Revived

I was walking when I seen a man down
I was the first person site
So there was no one else around
Then I realized that it was me lying on the ground
I could feel my spirit lifting from my body
Slowly as my eyes started to roll in the back of me
My spirit was streaming but no one could hear it
My body was turning cold on the pavement
Searching for strength
Trying to regain consciousnesses
And escape this death clinch
My soul and spirit became the medic
As I had began to rise again
The pupils started to return to my eyes again
And I was no longer turning pale
I got a glance at hell
©Adrian Ware

Real love takes two to succeed

one of my really old poems: Title: Changes

Love is like america and america is like science
And the reason I compare all three of those together
Is because all of them are the same in one way
For example science is never wrong 
Because they always change the facts 
Love is basically the same
It's just a little different from that
Except for love doesn't change the facts 
Instead it just changes the person 
And America changes the rules and laws that we live by 
Changes only complicate things 
But you can change almost anything 
Except for love 
Because if you change the meaning of love
Than you would have changed everything 
Because love is so confusing that 
People often misuse it 
It's so complicated that most people hate it 
Some people are even afraid of it 
Scientist can't even figure out 
Why it's so twisted it 
That's why they don't study
®Adrian Ware

Friday, October 20, 2017


Trying to push pass all the obstacles that stands in the way 
But most of us fall prey to the name that is defeat
For even though we reach anticipating the relief of stress
The elusiveness of our problems 
Makes it hard to solve them
So I ask
What can you do when fatigue hits you 
With defeat is in your view 
You can either fall down and not get back up
Or you can wait for the right moment to build up
®Adrian Ware

Make your first kiss last forever


Going in circles looking so confused
Not knowing which route should be used 
For stepping in the wrong direction can activate the charge 
Therefore creating a shortage in the fuse 
The field is covered with mines
This all done by design 
Explosions can take place everyday 
Which is a indication that 
You are living your life the wrong way
Grenades are thrown from above 
Landing near the things that you assume that you love 
But every pathway has it's own quicksand 
You just have to chose 
The one that leaves you slowly sinking 
®Adrian Ware

Sunday, August 27, 2017


                                                             Don't be pathetic
                                                           Rock some Ponetic

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

And it is sale day on this end

The original price for this book is $12.95 but i'm holding a sale for it today. It ends at midnight. For a limited amount of time you can get this book for a steal for just $7.00 plus shipping and handling. Which may not be much depending on your area. Explore the world of love and positivity with: Words of the Wise poetry: By Adrian Ware 

Monday, June 5, 2017

And my poetic logo is real. Enjoy

And we call it the poetic expectation
For words are forever in the making
There is only one that produces heat like the sun
©Adrian Ware